Channel: ReliefWeb Training
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World: Child Soldiers and Security Forces

Country: World
Organization: UN Institute for Training and Research, Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative

The Roméo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative (the Dallaire Initiative) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have opened a new front in the global fight against the recruitment and use of child soldiers. Co-developed over two years, E-Learning course: Child Soldiers and Security Forces, builds on the Dallaire Initiative’s first of its kind handbook and core competencies that focuses on prevention measures and equipping security sector actors with the necessary tools, tactics and knowledge to counteract the use and recruitment of child soldiers.

“Through e-learning we are able to extend our classroom and expand our reach around the world. This course is a great introduction for those who are on the frontlines in peace operations in countries where child soldiers are being used, ” states Tanya Zayed, Deputy Director and Head of Training for the Dallaire Initiative.

The objective of the e-learning course is to advance a better understanding of the phenomenon of child soldiering, as well as the reasons behind the use of children in armed conflicts. At the same time it aims at expanding upon the possible interactions security sector actors may face when encountering child soldiers while on mission. Using the latest techniques for adult learning, this course follows a collaborative learning model coupled with live facilitation and discussion forums.

The E-Learning course “Child Soldiers and Security Forces” represents one way of operationalizing recent resolutions ad opted by the United Nations Security Council — S/Res/2143 and 2151, which recommend targeted pre-deployment trainings for security personal in peacekeeping missions with the aim to protect children in armed conflicts. This course also supports the ultimate goal of the UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict’s Children not soldiers campaign, which aims to achieve child-free government forces by 2016.

How to register:

Please visit: http://www.learnatunitar.org/course/info.php?id=157

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